Who we are
Sandstone Insights.

The team at Sandstone Insights is dedicated to delivering high quality stock research, market commentary, and investment insights with a focus on providing exceptional customer service. As a member of the MST Financial group, we have access to resources and support from the broader platform, enabling us to provide our clients with unparalleled expertise, insights and value added perspectives.

Meet the Team

John Meagher
John is responsible for customer experience and oversees the development of the Sandstone Insights platform. He has more than 29 years of experience in financial services having worked in margin lending and asset management in Australia and the UK. Prior to joining Sandstone Insights, he was the Head of Institutional Business at Fidelity and held a similar role at AMP Capital for 10 years prior to that. He has also worked at Invesco, Macquarie Bank and Leveraged Equities.
John Lockton
John leads the team responsible for the investment content published by Sandstone Insights, including our stock research and commentary on markets and equity strategy. He previously spent 12 years at Wilsons Advisory as Head of Australian Equities. His primary areas of focus were equity strategy, security analysis, and portfolio management. John worked in investment strategy at Morgan Stanley, Citigroup and Credit Suisse. John is a regular contributor to the Australian Financial Review, The Australian, Livewire Markets and ausbiz.
Sarah Sagvand
Sarah provides leadership in the operational aspects of the business including customer experience and development of the Sandstone Insights platform. She has over 10 years’ experience in financial markets. Prior to joining Sandstone Insights, Sarah worked in Corporate Banking at J.P. Morgan for 5 years and more recently spent 6 years at Moelis Australia where she worked in the Institutional Equities business before moving into Asset Management to assist with wholesale and HNW investor relationships.
Greg Fraser
Greg is a member of the research and equity strategy team, responsible for research coverage on a range of companies. He has worked in financial services for 35 years, mostly in funds management, both domestically and internationally. Commencing in New Zealand, he has managed International Equities portfolios in London before returning to domestic equities roles at AMP, BT Funds Management and Mint Asset Management (NZ).
Ryan McCaugherty, CFA
Ryan is a member of the research and equity strategy team, responsible for research coverage on a range of companies. He has over 7 years of experience in the funds management industry, primarily focusing on Australian Equities. Most recently, Ryan worked as a Senior Investment Analyst at Mercury Private, overseeing and managing an equity model portfolio, as well as contributing to investment strategy and asset allocation decisions. Prior to that, Ryan worked at BT Financial Group.
Anton Jokovic
Anton is part of the research team producing investment content for clients. He has worked in equity markets since 2020, beginning his career in the MST Financial Internship Program. He has worked with the Trading team where he gained experience in Research Sales and Sales Trading.
Alex Nosatti
Alex joined MST Financial in 2022. Alex graduated with a high distinction from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) with a double degree in Business (majoring in Finance) and Science in Information Technology (majoring in Enterprise Software Development). During his time at university, Alex has gained investment management experience serving as deputy Chief Investment Officer of the UTS student managed fund and as an analyst for Australian Student Asset Management. Alex has received awards for academic excellence from the Business School Dean`s Merit List and the Engineering Dean`s List.