Trading Ideas
Disclaimers and Disclosures.

Trading Ideas offers a short to medium-term view on how a security may trade, based on market catalysts or other trading events and the resulting trading opportunity that may be available. Views contained in Trading Ideas on a particular security may be contrary (including directionally) to the recommendations or views expressed in Sandstones’ published Research Reports on the same security. This may be the result of different assumptions, analytical methods, time horizons, methodologies, market events, or other factors.

Opinions and views contained in Trading Ideas are often time dependent and are subject to change. Trading Ideas are short-lived and disappear when the potential event occurs, when the market corrects the temporary mispricing or may not play out due to other factors. The currency of Trading Ideas can vary due to a change with investment market dynamics, so regular monitoring is essential.

Trading Ideas are appropriate for clients who engage in more frequent trading activity that are looking for actionable ideas for short to medium-term market opportunities. Trading Ideas are a one-off piece of general advice that are suited to clients who are able to monitor positions and are able to determine when to enter or close a position.

Trading Ideas are generally not as appropriate for clients who have a long-term investment horizon (>12months), require a price target and updates when an opinion or recommendation changes. Sandstone Research Reports may be more suitable for clients requiring this type of advice.

The investment opinions contained in Trading Ideas are subject to market risk, and it's crucial to be cautious and consider this risk.